Generator is the “Gene Map” of energy

Whatever you produce in the world; The only relentless need is energy… The catalyst that ensures the continuity and uninterruptedness of energy is the generator.

Let’s take a look at generators, which are the intermediate energy source with the fastest increasing production capacity in the world.

Generators are robust, have a simple mechanical structure, are relatively cheaper, and can be produced from the smallest power to a certain amount of power.

The generator is the most reliable “type energy” source of the intermediate energy unit.

A well-designed generator provides maximum performance, especially during power changes.

It connects easily to the network. It syncs.

So, is it possible to produce generators that do not cause emissions when connected to the grid? Of course, it is possible to produce them. One of these is the ASYNCHRONOUS generator, the “type energy” source of wind energy, which has become popular recently. Alone; This type of generators are used in wind turbines.


The generator market has reached $15 billion in the world. The Generator market in Turkey has created a market for itself faster than the growth rate of the world trend. The market in Turkey has grown by more than 50% in the last three years. This is due to increasing industrial production, a boom in public housing, and social and economic events that directly affect the electricity needs in regional countries.

The generator will continue to maintain its position as the guarantor of uninterrupted energy. In fact, after a while, it will become indispensable as it will provide reversible locking by producing the drive energy it needs. (Just as Natural Gas Generators are included in the product range alongside Diesel Generators) Manufacturers should reconsider their positions on this issue; It should also carry out product development by taking advantage of the state’s R&D incentives.

Generator Manufacturers; It continues to change depending on differences in technology and consumer demand. It tries to direct the demand with active behavior. In this study, the companies that differentiate themselves in the sector are; It is possible to take one step ahead in the competitive environment within the sector with the Technopark work.

This differentiation will also create a noticeable demand in the international market.

There is actually a paradox in the generator industry that needs to be broken. This paradox; generator demand is seen as a backup need in electrical systems. This need is greatest in countries with high population density parallel to their population density. The demand for this critical backup is directly proportional to the relentless need for electricity right now. However, the neighbor where social chaos prevails; In countries such as Iraq, Syria, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Libya, generators have become a substitute for the main grid, beyond backup. In addition, the uninterrupted power needs of sensitive IT centers, especially in developed countries, continue to make the marine generator market dynamic.

Although it is thought that the world generator demand is mainly due to the development in the telecom and construction sectors, it is also possible that there is a less costly demand in border security. However, the slowdown in demand development in developed countries (such as Europe and North America) is a noteworthy issue. This means that European Generator manufacturers will make more efforts to share our market. Our engineers must develop projects that will create consumption areas within this geography. For example, storage technologies based on renewable energies should be focused on.

With “global warming”, for which the United Nations constantly warns and raises the alarm level (I am currently an accredited Engineer of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization FAO), it is desired to focus on the production of product groups that reduce the emission rate, focus on efficiency and are based on silence, especially in the standards prepared by EU directives. This will shape the future of the industry. (natural gas generators are one of them), I do not know whether methane gas and nitrogen can be considered in the future. This will definitely be the case in the future, so R&D units should think hard.

The generator market will grow 100% in the world after 4-5 years, and there is an expectation of further growth in Turkey.

Increasing investments and intensifying urbanization efforts in many sectors in Turkey increase expectations. At this point, companies should try to strengthen their teams for structuring in Turkey, increase their After Sales Service sectors and open representative offices in Anatolia.

The increase in luxury housing in Turkey, the Turkish Republics and the Middle East has increased tremendously. It still continues at an unlimited pace. When Syria, which will provide structuring after the chaos, is added to this, a demand that cannot be followed by the naked eye emerges.

The sector, which sells luxury residences that are completed one after another, also sells to countries that have made a significant increase in industrial investments. Here, Generator manufacturers should also plan to produce economical and silent Generators with easily insulated technical equipment. Because energy investments…