Privacy Policy


This document is based on the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“Law”) regarding the processing of your personal data. It has been prepared to ensure that you are enlightened within the framework of 10.

Persons who visit and/or use in any way the website (“Website”) at “ and (other websites affiliated with the group)” operated by Furcan Group of Companies (“Company”) (“User”) It is necessary to read this Privacy Policy before using the Website and Mobile Application and filling out our online forms.

Furcan Group of Companies takes the necessary measures to protect the personal data of our valued users and customers, business partners, shareholders, employees and other natural persons who establish relations with us by applying for a job or visiting our website or in any other way,


It has prepared this Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) in order to inform you about our Group’s rules and policies regarding the processing of personal data and the use of cookies and similar technologies within the framework of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVK Law”).

To ensure that you will be subject to the privacy policy in this text regarding the confidentiality, protection, processing, use, modification, communications and other matters of member and customer information on the Furcan Group Companies and website and that you accept the terms every time you use our website. We remind you that you should review this text.

Depending on the type and nature of the relationship between Furcan Group Companies and the data owner as the data controller, it is possible for our group to provide different personal data policies and/or notifications to the data owner than this text. In this case, the special policies and notifications provided to the data owner may contain different or additional matters than the explanations in this Privacy Policy, and the special policies and notifications provided to the data owner should be taken into consideration first.


Protection of personal data is regulated in Law No. 6698, Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Publications on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed through These Publications, Law No. 6563 on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce and relevant secondary legislation. In addition, the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237 stipulates some criminal sanctions for the protection of personal data.

In this context, when the Law on the Protection of Personal Data is examined, it is seen that the definition of “personal data” refers to all kinds of information regarding identified or identifiable real persons. In other words, anonymous information, anonymized information and other data that cannot be associated with a specific person are not considered personal data within the scope of this Privacy Policy.

Data processing is the acquisition, recording, storage, preservation, modification, rearrangement, disclosure, transfer, acquisition, making available, classification of personal data by fully or partially automatic or non-automatic means provided that it is part of any data recording system. It refers to any action that can be performed on personal data, such as preventing its use or use.

Furcan Group Companies take the necessary measures to protect confidentiality and comply with all legal principles regarding the processing of personal data; processes personal data in accordance with the following principles within the framework of the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy:

Compliance with law and ethical rules,

Being accurate and up to date when necessary,

Processing for specific, clear and legitimate purposes,

Being related to the purpose for which they are processed, being limited and proportionate,

To be kept for the period stipulated in the relevant legislation or necessary for the purpose for which they are processed.



Furcan Group Companies may process general and special personal data with the explicit consent of the data owner or without explicit consent in cases stipulated in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVK Law. General and special data processed by our group are exemplified below, but which data will be processed for each data owner; It may vary depending on various factors such as the type of relationship between the data owner and our Group (member-customer, employee, business partner, service provider, etc.) and the communication channels used.

By our Group, in line with the relevant legislation and the principles contained in this Privacy Policy, according to the type and nature of the relationship between the data owner and our Group (for example, having a relationship with our Group as a member-customer, employee, business partner, service supplier, dealer, etc.) Types of data can be processed:

Data to identify the data owner, such as name, surname, profession, title, institution/organization information, education history, work history, gender, marital status, citizenship status, tax liability status and information about parents, guardians and attorneys, if any,

Data such as date of birth, place of birth, identification number, blood group, religion and photograph included in identification documents such as ID, passport, driver’s license,

Contact information such as address, telephone, e-mail and fax number of your home, workplace or temporary residence,

If the data owner’s social media accounts are connected to our Group’s website, information that the data owner has approved to be shared through those channels,

Communication records such as telephone conversations and e-mail correspondence with the data owner and other audio and video data,

Internet protocol (IP) address, device ID, unique identifier information, device type, advertising ID, unique device icon, statistics on web page views, incoming and outgoing traffic information, referral URL, internet log information, location information about the sites visited and the transactions and actions carried out through our websites, platforms, internet network and advertising and e-mail contents.

Purposes of Use of Personal Data

Furcan Group Companies may process personal data for the purposes stated below, in cases and to the extent permitted by the legislation, and may retain them for the period required for these purposes.

Fulfilling legal and administrative obligations and exercising rights arising from current legislation,

Providing information to public officials on matters related to public security upon request and in accordance with the legislation,

Providing suggestions and solutions to our customers by our group and solution partners and providing information to our customers about the services we provide,

Preparing all records and documents that will be the basis for the transaction in electronic (internet/mobile etc.) or paper format,

To increase customer satisfaction, to know our customers from the website and/or mobile applications and to use them in customer environment analysis, to use them in various marketing and advertising activities, and in this context, to organize surveys in electronic and/or physical environment through contracted organizations,

Evaluating customer complaints and suggestions regarding our services,

Ensuring and improving coordination, cooperation and efficiency within or between units within our group,

Ensuring the security of the website and other electronic systems and physical environments used by our group,

Notifying of changes in the legislation or the rules and policies adopted by our Group or making other notifications that concern the data owner,

Investigating, detecting and preventing violations of the contract and the law and reporting them to the relevant administrative or judicial authorities,

Resolving current and future legal disputes,

Answering requests and questions,

Providing employee needs within the framework of our group’s human resources policies and carrying out, developing and improving recruitment processes,

Evaluating the suitability of job applications, finalizing them and communicating with job applicants,

Developing and improving our group’s human resources, public relations and marketing policies,

Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right,

Protecting the legitimate interests of our Group, provided that the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data owner are not harmed.

Protection, Security and Control of Your Personal Data

Within the scope of the relevant legal legislation, our group takes the necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure the appropriate level of security as the data controller in order to prevent the lawful processing of personal data and unlawful access to data and to ensure the preservation of personal data. In this context, it is ensured that our Group’s business processes and activities are carried out in accordance with the in-group policies and rules prepared for the protection of personal data. Studies are carried out to raise awareness among employees about the personal data protection legislation and the in-group policies and rules prepared accordingly, and the necessary declarations and commitments for the confidentiality and protection of data are taken from employees and individuals and institutions that process data on behalf of our Group, and non-compliance with these declarations and commitments is subject to certain sanctions. Necessary information security measures are implemented to prevent unauthorized access to personal data, and the adequacy of the measures taken is checked periodically, aiming to continuously improve the existing data security system.


Sharing and Storage Period of Personal Data with Third Parties at home/abroad


Provided that we comply with the general principles listed in Article 4 of the KVK Law and the conditions stipulated in Articles 8 and 9 and take the necessary security measures, we may process personal data to third parties at home and abroad for the purposes specified under the heading “Purposes of Processing Personal Data” of this Privacy Policy. We may transfer it to individuals and process and store it on servers or other electronic media located at home or abroad.

In this context, your personal data is shared with program partner institutions and organizations with which we cooperate in order to carry out our activities, with domestic/international individuals and institutions whose services we benefit from for storing data and from which we receive physical server and/or cloud services, with domestic/foreign companies from which we receive services for sending commercial electronic messages, and with banks. It can be shared with the international card center, with our contracted banks, with international certification payment institutions and with various domestic/international advertising companies, agencies and survey companies or with other domestic/international business partners within the scope of marketing activities in order to increase customer experience and provide better service.

Except where a longer period is required or permitted by law, our Group retains personal data only for the period necessary to achieve the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. Personal data whose storage period has expired is deleted, destroyed or anonymized by our Group within the framework of Article 7 of the KVK Law.


Rights of the Data Owner Within the Framework of the Personal Data Protection Law

As the data owner, in accordance with Article 11 of the KVK Law, you can: learn whether your personal data is processed, request information if your personal data is processed, learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose, third parties to whom your personal data is transferred at home or abroad. Knowing, requesting correction of personal data if they are incomplete or incorrectly processed, requesting their deletion or destruction if the reasons requiring the processing of personal data disappear, requesting correction and deletion to be notified to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred, analyzing the processed data exclusively through automatic systems Objecting to the emergence of a result that is unfavorable to you, requesting compensation in case of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data. If you, as a data owner, wish to exercise any of the above-mentioned rights, you can submit your request via the e-mail address or Özdemir Mah. . Yeni Mardin Cad. Your data will be deleted when you notify us with a wet signature to our head office address No:94 BAĞLAR – DİYARBAKIR – TURKEY.

Requests from data owners will be evaluated and concluded within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request, within the framework of Article 13 of the KVK Law. Positive or negative responses to requests from data owners may be notified to data owners in writing or electronically. Although the requests of data owners will, as a rule, be resolved free of charge, if responding to the request requires an additional cost, a fee may be charged in the amounts determined within the framework of the relevant legislation.

Collection Method and Legal Reason for Personal Data

Your personal data may be obtained in writing, verbally, audio or video recording or other physical or electronic means for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy within the framework of the conditions set out in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVK Law. Personal data; It can be collected through stores and other physical environments where data owners can contact, website, mobile applications, social media and other public channels, or through organized training, conferences and similar events, or through investigation.

Although we generally obtain personal data from data owners, business partners we work with within the framework of the conditions specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVK Law, and individuals, institutions and organizations that are referenced in job applications or included in the applicant’s work and education history, recruitment platforms, It is also possible to obtain it through persons and institutions that the data owner represents/represents.


While accessing our Group’s websites, electronic platforms, applications or e-mail messages or advertisements sent by our Group, small data files that enable the recording and collection of certain data can be placed on users’ computers, mobile phones, tablets or other devices used. These data files placed on computers and other devices may be cookies, pixel tags, flash cookies and web beacons, as well as other similar technologies for data storage. The term “cookie” is used to refer to cookies and similar technologies that may be used by our group.

Cookies; It stores the information it collects through log files, empty gif files and/or third party sources in order to create a summary of your preferences and in order to make special promotions for you, provide marketing offers, improve the content of the website or mobile application according to you and/or determine your preferences; may track your navigation information and/or usage history on the site.

Our group analyzes and interprets the visitor movements and preferences that it monitors during the use of the site, in addition to the personal information requested in e-mail addresses and application forms, through “cookies” on its website ( Cookie; It is a file consisting mostly of letters and numbers that is stored in the internet browser or hard disk of the device in use, allowing the device in question to be detected.

In order to provide better service to its visitors on our group website ( and within the framework of its legal obligation, we will collect, process, share your navigation information with third parties and securely, provided that it is not used outside the purposes and scope specified in this Statement on Protection of Personal Data. will keep it.

Since any data collected through cookies may not constitute personal data, it should be taken into account that the data obtained through cookies will be evaluated within the scope of this Privacy Policy and the KVK Law only to the extent that they constitute personal data within the framework of Turkish law.


Our Group may make changes to this Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy at any time, and the change comes into force when it is published on the website ( Changes made by our group will be notified to the relevant parties via our websites. For this reason, the current version of the Privacy Policy can be accessed on our Group’s websites, and any changes that may be made to the Privacy Policy can be followed on our Group’s websites.

As a rule, the changes will be made by uploading them to our Group’s websites and will become valid as of this date. However, our Group may also notify the changes in other ways it deems appropriate.


By accepting this Privacy/Personal Data Protection Policy and Communication Permission, your personal data that you have consented to be shared with our Group will be used for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy (to provide and offer various advantages and to provide personalized promotion, advertising, sales, marketing, surveys and all kinds of similar purposes). by electronic communication via telephone, text message (SMS), e-mail and similar means and sending other communication messages, etc.); You consent to the collection, storage, processing, use and transfer of your data to third parties with whom our Group has a contractual relationship and whose details are stated above.