Our Ethical Principles

As Furcan Group of Companies; We believe that working in compliance with the law and company rules is an integral part of our business. Our first level, middle level and upper level managers have adopted the basic principle of conveying our corporate culture to our employees.

We expect all our employees to exhibit attitudes and behaviors that are in line with company values and ensure cultural integrity.

Laws, regulations, procedures, policies, instructions, etc. within and/or outside the company. We consider it a part of our corporate culture to convey the matter to the senior management when our stakeholders (our employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers and other persons or institutions with whom we have relations outside the institution) who act contrary to regulations behave contrary to ethical rules or when such a situation is suspected. At this point, we base communication on the confidentiality principle.

Our Principles;

Honesty and transparency,
• Superior business ethics,
• Our workflow complies with applicable laws,
• Not to engage in any unethical commercial and social relationships,
• Respect for people and human rights,
• Sensitive and tolerant,
• Opportunity and gender equality in human resources,
• Positive discrimination for our female employees,
• Our employees cannot use their duties and powers to obtain benefits for themselves, their relatives and/or third parties and/or against our companies.