Our Quality, Environment and Occupational Safety Policy

Our Quality Management System Policy

As Furcan Group of Companies; We fulfill the requirements and obligations of international ISO 9001 standards in all our companies. In our companies. It is indispensable for us to document, document and continuously improve our quality management system. We keep our quality standards at the highest values in our workflow processes and fulfill legal requirements. We produce services in accordance with international and national standards in our process management.

To achieve our short, medium and long-term strategic goals;

• To act in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations,
• Knowing the needs and expectations of our customers,
• Focusing on customer satisfaction in all our activities,
• To make our process-oriented operations management system effective,
• Habit of continuous improvement based on regular review,

• To create quality awareness among our employees by providing them with training that will contribute to their professional and personal development,
• It has determined the basis of our quality policy to contribute to the country’s economy by constantly improving our business volume with continuous improvements.

Our Environmental Management System Policy

As Furcan Group of Companies; The basis of our environmental policy is to ensure the protection of the environment by minimizing the negative effects of all our activities on the environment, which directly or indirectly affect all our processes for a sustainable nature. We periodically provide training to our employees in order to fully fulfill our responsibilities as a group in order to protect the environment, which is an integral part of humanity, and to transfer natural and biological richness and diversity to future generations.

Our Basic Policies;

• To ensure the implementation, supervision and continuous improvement of the Environmental Management System within the scope of international legal regulations, national laws/legislation and other obligations,
• To comply with laws, regulations and other obligations regarding the environment and the automotive industry,
• To reduce our waste as much as possible and recycle it,
• To prevent environmental pollution by following technological developments, to reduce waste at its source, to recycle as much as possible,
• To eliminate or ensure that non-recyclable waste is disposed of without harming the environment,
• Increasing the use of renewable energy resources and energy efficiency studies,
• To reduce air, water, soil and noise pollution with effective solutions based on advanced technologies,
• Organizing training activities to increase environmental awareness of all our employees and stakeholders,
• Reducing our carbon footprint and therefore our impact on climate change
• To take measures to reduce all natural resource consumption and carbon emissions,
• Establishing open communication with our customers and stakeholders regarding the environment,
• To periodically monitor and control the environmental impacts of our activities.

Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy

As Furcan Group of Companies; We accept people as the most valuable asset and adopt creating a safer and healthier working environment for our employees and stakeholders as our primary business goal.

Our Basic Policies;

• To comply with the current legal regulations regarding Occupational Health and Safety and to keep up to date,
• To ensure awareness by taking into consideration our employees, as well as our suppliers, customers, visitors and all relevant parties that may be affected, when making plans regarding Occupational Health and Safety; To ensure that all parties comply with the OHS legislation and the special conditions of our organization,
• To make continuous improvement with systematic and effective methods to increase Occupational Health and Safety performance,
To achieve the goal of zero work accidents in our companies and customer workplaces,
• To determine and implement protection parameters regarding health and safety risks that may arise from activities in order to create a safe working environment,
• To organize training activities to increase occupational health and safety awareness of all our employees and stakeholders,
• We are committed to continuously improving our management system through periodically determined targets and reviews, and thus to prevent work accidents and occupational diseases.