CEO Message

Dear valued customers,
Dear colleagues;

We are in the era where we experience the fastest change and transformation. I don’t think there has been a time in human history where we have transformed so quickly. Perhaps when we look further away, the invention of the wheel can be an example. But now we have an agenda where fuel technologies change from hybrid technologies. Minimizing carbon emissions is now on the agenda of states as well as our sectors. The decisions taken at the COP27 world climate change conferences will naturally change our sectors and the way we do business. As Furcan Group of Companies, we are watching this change carefully. My colleagues also carefully monitor the brands we serve. As a group, our basic strategy is to incorporate people- and environment-focused brands.

We know that the sectors we focus on are human-based and indispensable in our customers’ workflows. Our fast, effective and customer-oriented approach has been our basic philosophy since our establishment. 

The commitment of our management employees to the company culture is one of the most important factors in our growth. The ability of our employees at all levels to produce work is our greatest strength. We know that every area we serve is people-oriented. That’s why corporate customer satisfaction is our main priority. The technical training, customer relations and occupational safety training we have provided to our employees in our companies since our establishment in 2000 have differentiated us positively in our industry; Beyond being a regional power, it has also enabled us to deepen in national markets.

By nature, our sectors exist in the market by using high technology. This situation causes us, as Furcan, to constantly invest in our technological infrastructure. The reason why we have the most integrated facility in our region is that we constantly invest in this area. This means providing better quality and trouble-free service to our customers. The recognition we have achieved in general services comes from our expert and experienced staff as well as these investments.

As Furcan Group of Companies, our exports to neighboring countries do not only make us proud, but also give us responsibility on behalf of our country. We have separated these departments since 2012 in order to increase our import items as well as see our export opportunities. As I always tell my colleagues, every value we create on behalf of Furcan Group of Companies is for our families and our country.

On this occasion, I would like to express my respect to all institutions, stakeholders, colleagues and customers who never leave us alone.

Hayrettin BOZAN
Chairman of the Board