The ‘new BMC’ is coming with a billion-dollar investment…

Fuat Tosyalı said, “We are working for a new BMC to show the power of production in Turkey” and added that they declared 2024 as the year of transformation with huge investments.

Fuat Tosyalı, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tosyalı Holding, who attended the “Bus World” fair held in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, stated that they have been focusing on investment since the 2 years they took over BMC, and said that the company is preparing for important projects in order to become a global player in the future. In this direction, the company has made a strong move in the production of commercial vehicles, military vehicles and the Altay Tank.

“We invested 3.6 billion lira in BMC in 2 years. “We will make another 10 billion lira investment in 2024,” said Fuat Tosyalı, adding, “Just as BMC achieved firsts in the sector in the past, it will also be a pioneer in the era of electrification with its new generation commercial vehicles by undertaking a major transformation thanks to the innovation-oriented investments we have initiated today.” BMC, one of TOGG’s partners, is also making serious investments in electric vehicles within its own structure. “Our R&D is carrying out very serious work to contribute to the zero emission target with electric vehicles,” he said.

During the Tosyalı Holding period, BMC started to invest by purchasing land with its own resources instead of the allocated land in Karasu, due to more suitable production conditions. Thus, 850 thousand square meters of land was purchased in Kazan, Ankara, for BMC’s production base for the defense industry, and 600 thousand square meters of land was purchased in Yalova for commercial vehicles.

Referring to the power of BMC, 70 percent of whose revenues come from exports, Fuat Tosyalı said, “We are 5th in the sector in defense industry exports. “We export our commercial vehicles and military vehicles to 80 countries,” he said.

Participating in the fair, BMC CEO Prof. Dr. Murat Yalçıntaş said about the share of military-civilian vehicles in production: “The share of military vehicles is 65 percent, the share of civilian commercial vehicles is 35 percent. This distribution in production varies depending on the military vehicle orders we receive from the Turkish Armed Forces and export markets.”

BMC also introduced the technologies developed for Procity 12M EV and Neocity 8.5M EV electric buses at the fair. Aselsan Deputy General Manager Prof. The “Procity 12 m EV” electric bus, which they collaborated with Aselsan in the development process with Mehmet Çelik, was exhibited.

With the “pantograph” fast charging system mounted on the BMC Procity 12m EV roof, it can charge itself in 8-12 minutes, during short breaks, without the need for any action by the driver.

In our bus, which uses a 111.6 kWh LTO battery developed by Aselsan, the HVSM-287 electric motor, also developed by Aselsan, produces a total of 335 HP power.

Our vehicle, which offers a range of 80 kilometers with fast charging, will be mass produced in the second half of 2024.

The HVSM-287 electric motor of the vehicle, which uses a 362 kWh NMC battery, produces a total of 215 HP. It offers a range of 300 kilometers in 5 hours with DC charging. This model also has a 55-minute fast charging option. It also offers a range of 300 kilometers.

Work is also ongoing for the 18-meter bus version.

On the other hand, Murat Yalçıntaş mentioned that one of the strong and competitive aspects is the apron vehicles used in airports and said, “We produced the first apron vehicle in Turkey. We are among the few manufacturers in the world in this field. “7 of them are in use at İGA.”

Reminding that they are not content with producing electric buses, but also take part in the “ESCALATE” project carried out within the framework of the EU’s zero emission targets for heavy vehicles, Fuat Tosyalı said, “We are developing a hydrogen-powered truck (18t – 4×2 tractor) within the scope of this project.”