Tesla Protest in Scandinavian Countries is Growing

The Tesla boycott of Scandinavian countries, starting with Sweden, is growing. The industrial action initiated by Swedish unions led by IF Metall against Tesla also received support from Norway.

First of all, let’s briefly remember how the incident started. Swedish unions led by IF Metall launched a strike in October to force the US electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla to sign a collective bargaining agreement with technicians.
In this context, dock workers refused to disembark Tesla models arriving by ship; Electricians, cleaning workers, postmen and some parts manufacturers also announced that they would not provide service to the company.
After the issue could not be concluded, Norway’s largest private sector workers’ union also made a statement. In the statement, it was stated that the passage of Tesla models shipped to Sweden until the end of December will begin to be blocked in order to support the strike in Sweden.

“The right to demand collective bargaining is an obvious part of our working lives, and we cannot accept that Tesla wants to exclude it,” the statement said.

As per its policy, Tesla does not accept the collective agreement bargaining offered by unions and argues that employees have better conditions than those in this agreement.
Unions, on the other hand, describe Tesla’s rejection of the years-old order as a challenge to the power of unions and workers’ rights to bargain over wages, holidays, overtime pay and other conditions. According to the statement, the actions of Norwegian unions will start on December 20.

Source: https://www.donanimhaber.com/iskandinav-ulkelerini-tesla-eylemi-buyuyor–171710