If you are going to travel during the winter months due to work or necessity, please take into consideration our warnings below. A safe traffic flow and your life safety are very important to us. Best regards.

• Make sure you perform all maintenance on your vehicle on time

• Take the time to check your vehicle carefully before setting off. If it does not meet the conditions, do not set out.

• Remember that your expenses and time will be less than if you were stranded on the road or involved in an accident.

• Pay particular attention to your tires. Are there any deformations such as cracks or tears in your tires? Are your tire pressures appropriate?

• Remember, tire pressure values cannot be changed in summer and winter, it is sufficient to have the appropriate pressure value.

• The tread depth of your winter tires must be at least 4 mm.

• Are all your headlights and lighting in working order? Check.

• Is there any malfunction or warning information on your vehicle’s displays?

• Are your vehicle’s ventilation, air conditioning and window resistances working?

• Keep your fuel tank full or at least fifty percent full. This will give you an advantage if you are stranded on the road.

• Be sure to add antifreeze to your glass water. This is vital warning. Check that your windshield washer fluid is sufficient. Clean your front and rear windows at once with glass water.

• Check that your wipers are intact, useful and in working order by turning them on.

• When you hit the road, clean all your windows and all your mirrors and ensure full visibility.

• Snow remaining on the top of your vehicle lands on the windshield when braking while driving and can completely block the driver’s vision, causing an accident. Pay attention to this.

• If you do not use your vehicle much; Run it in place every 4-5 days.

As Furcan Group of Companies, we wish you a pleasant journey.