The Future of the Sector Was Discussed at the Heavy Vehicles and Trailer Summit.

Trailers of the future and the future of trailer production in our country were discussed at the 6th Heavy Vehicles and Trailer Summit. The Turkish trailer industry, which made our country the second largest production center in Europe with a production of 60 thousand units last year, aims to have a say in the world.

Speaking at the opening of the summit, TREDER President Yalçın Şentürk noted that the industry closed 2023, the 100th anniversary of our Republic, with a historical record with a production of 60 thousand units, while exports reached 25 thousand units. Şentürk said, “Our biggest goal when establishing TREDER is; It was to make Turkey the production center of Europe. We have made great progress on this path. “We are the second largest producing country in Europe after Germany.” said. Stating that the parts offered by suppliers to the sector as well as trailer production are produced in Turkey, Şentürk said, “Whoever produces here wins.”

TAID President Burak Hoşgören underlined that the Turkish trailer market forms the backbone of trade and logistics and said, “Trailers and heavy commercial vehicles of the future; It will be lighter, more durable, more environmentally friendly and equipped with connected technologies. So right now, our industries are facing both challenges and opportunities. “With its strategic location, qualified workforce and vibrant entrepreneurial spirit, Turkey is well positioned to lead this breakthrough.” said.

TAID President Burak Hoşgören underlined that the Turkish trailer market forms the backbone of trade and logistics and said, “Trailers and heavy commercial vehicles of the future; It will be lighter, more durable, more environmentally friendly and equipped with connected technologies. So right now, our industries are facing both challenges and opportunities. “With its strategic location, qualified workforce and vibrant entrepreneurial spirit, Turkey is well positioned to lead this breakthrough.” said.

Osman Boyraz, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, drew attention to the strategic importance of Turkey in international corridors and emphasized the increase in road transportation. Boyraz said, “The Turkish trailer industry continues its production without slowing down with over 10 thousand employees. “We will continue our support to increase production in trailers, increase exports and ensure that standardization in the sector is permanent,” he said.

TSE Secretary General Aykut Kırbaş emphasized the importance of the trailer sector while giving information about the services they offer as an institute to the automotive industry. Explaining the services they provide regarding EU TYPE Approval, certification, manufacturing, modification and assembly, Kırbaş drew attention to the contributions of the work carried out in terms of human resources to the sector.

The future of the industry was discussed in different panels
In the panels held within the scope of the summit; While developments in trailer production, new technologies and innovations were discussed, opinions were expressed on how the sector will fare in the future with new trends.
In the first panel moderated by TAID Former President İlhami Eksin; TREDER Vice President Krone Commercial Vehicles A.Ş. General Manager Kartal Erköy, BPW Europe Sales Director Daniel Twilling-Birkholz, İntermobil General Manager Rıfat Perahya, Prometeon Turkey, MEA, Russia, CIS Region Marketing Director Faruk Uslu, Cloos Turkey and MENA General Manager İbrahim Halil Eyüpoğlu and Saf Holland Turkey General Manager Bilal. Azizoğlu took part as a speaker. The effects of the latest technologies used in the panel on the present and future of the trailer industry were evaluated.

The second panel was moderated by Neva Orman General Manager and SATSO Women’s Enterprise Head. Elvan Bilgehan Dikici made it. Schmitz Cargobull CEO Kerem Taş, Nevpa Chairman Mesut Sayar, Dyo Sanayi and Auto Refinishing Paints R&D Specialist Dr. Merve Dilaver Ağar and Intecro Robotik A.Ş. In the panel where CEO A. Ali Şen participated as a speaker; Information was given about sustainability, the European Green Deal, developments in production, the latest situation in international competition, and the measures to be taken.

In the third panel moderated by OSD Secretary General Özlem Güçlüer, Reysaş Logistics Chairman Durmuş Döven, Öztreyler A.Ş. R&D Engineer İbrahim Ethem Öztürk and TREDER Technical Committee Chairman Fuat Erdem took part as speakers. In the panel, evaluations were made about the course of the trailer industry from past to future, new regulations, latest developments in vehicle registration procedures, technological developments and smart automation systems.

The last panel was moderated by TAID President Burak Hoşgören. TAID Vice Chairman and Kâssbohrer Board Member İffet Türken and Iveco General Manager Hakkı Işınak explained the technological developments awaiting vehicle manufacturers. Electric transformation in heavy vehicles, infrastructure problems, and the effects of the efficiency expected from vehicles on the sector were evaluated.
