A New Page Opened in Motor Vehicle Trade with the Regulation on the Trade of Motor Land Vehicles.

With the regulation prepared by the Ministry of Trade, it has been made mandatory for everyone to use the Secure Payment System in second-hand motor vehicle sales. After the regulation; distributors will not be able to increase the price of the vehicle after the invoice date and will deliver the vehicle to the authorized dealer within 15 days. Authorized dealers will not be able to increase the price of the vehicle for which the SCT and VAT have been paid by the buyer and will be obliged to deliver the vehicle to the buyer within 15 days.
The “Regulation on the Trade of Motor Land Vehicles” prepared by the Ministry was published in the Official Gazette.
In the statement made by the Ministry regarding the subject, it was stated that the Ministry continues its efforts to protect the fair, competitive and stable market structure in the automotive sector with determination. It was stated that the regulation was prepared in order to meet public expectations and to prevent the victimization of those engaged in motor vehicle trade and consumers.
The statement, which stated that the scope of the regulation regulating the trade of second-hand motor vehicles was expanded with the regulation, said, “In this context, important changes were made regarding the trade of second-hand motor vehicles, while the obligations of distributors and authorized dealers in the trade of new vehicles were regulated. In addition, principles and rules regarding vehicle tenders carried out electronically and vehicle preliminary valuation were also determined.”

“It was aimed to prevent fraud”
The statement, which indicated that it was aimed to prevent fraudulent activities that citizens may encounter in vehicle purchases and sales, continued as follows:
“In order to eliminate the possibility of using counterfeit money, difficulty in cash payment and the risk of non-payment of the sales price, the use of the Secure Payment System by everyone in second-hand motor vehicle sales has been made mandatory.”
It was stated that an order form has been made mandatory in order to prevent buyer grievances in orders where partial payments are received, and the following was recorded: “The authorized seller will not be able to request any payment from the buyer without preparing this form, will deliver the vehicle for which a deposit has been received to the buyer within 45 days, and will not be able to receive a deposit of more than 10 percent of the sales price until 7 days before the vehicle delivery. In addition, the buyer will be able to cancel their order within 14 days from the date the order form was issued without being subject to any penalty.”

New rules have been introduced for distributors and authorized dealers
The statement, which stated that rules and obligations have been introduced for distributors and authorized dealers in order to ensure a fair competition environment in the motor vehicle supply chain and to prevent unfair commercial practices, said, “The activities of distributors that will be considered unfair commercial practices have been defined and the rules that they must comply with in their relations with authorized dealers have been determined. Accordingly, distributors will not be able to increase the price of the vehicle after the invoice date and will deliver the vehicle to the authorized dealer within 15 days. Authorized dealers will not be able to increase the price of the vehicle for which the SCT and VAT have been paid by the buyer and will be obliged to deliver the vehicle to the buyer within 15 days.” The authorization certificate will not require the requirement of opening a business and having a work permit
“In order to eliminate the difficulties experienced in obtaining a second-hand motor vehicle trade authorization certificate and to prevent businesses from operating without an authorization certificate, the requirement of opening a business and having a work permit has been removed from the authorization certificate requirements. Thus, the grievance experienced by businesses that could not obtain an authorization certificate due to the license requirement despite meeting all other conditions has been eliminated. However, the obligations of businesses engaged in the trade of second-hand motor vehicles to open a business and obtain a work permit within the scope of the license legislation continue.”

It was stated in the statement that the high school graduation requirement among the authorization certificate requirements was preserved and “A regulation was made to not require the high school graduation requirement in authorization certificate applications made until March 1, 2025 for businesses registered with a tax or professional chamber as of the date the regulation entered into force. Thus, one of the most important demands of the sector has been met by the Ministry of Trade.” The statement, which stated that the aim was to ensure that tenders in the electronic environment were carried out securely and transparently, reported that minimum rules were determined such as the announcement of tender conditions and detailed information about the vehicles offered for sale on the tender platform, the determination of the tender price in accordance with the rules of fair competition, and the prohibition of the tender platform operator and the seller from participating in the tender directly or indirectly.

Preliminary evaluation rules determined over the internet
It was stated that the rules to be followed in the vehicle preliminary evaluation conducted over the internet were determined, and the following was recorded:
“In order to prevent price offers that will mislead our citizens who want to sell their vehicles and to prevent practices that disrupt competition among businesses conducting preliminary evaluations, a regulation was made so that the difference between the initial price offer presented to the vehicle owner in the preliminary evaluations conducted electronically and the final offer should not exceed 5 percent, the offer given should be valid for at least 24 hours, and the final offer should be given on the same day for the vehicle that has been physically examined.” On the other hand, the obligations of authorized dealers, sales by order method, and the obligations regarding the tender platform and preliminary evaluation of the regulation will enter into force on January 1, 2025.
The changes regarding the payment system will come into effect for businesses and will be in effect one month later for other real or legal persons.

Source: https://www.dunya.com/sektorler/otomotiv/motorlu-tasit-ticaretinde-yeni-donem-resmi-gazetede-yayimlandi-haberi-743378